Wednesday, September 3, 2014

An Amok In Silence

Amidst a morning calm
There's a calamity
A heart weeps
Screams too
For it has to be in mute
The words it pours has to be voiceless.

She claws the gag they put on her
Embroidered with delicate flowers
The cloth feels like a knife
Slowly carving her lips
Forcing it to form a smile

Desperate for release
She runs
To the beach, hoping the waves will soothe her
To the woods, hoping the rustles will lull her
To the river, hoping the burbles will comfort her
All to no avail

Seconds pass,
The screams in her heart grow louder
The weeps turn into wails
The crackle of sadness has now turned into an amok of flames
Engulfing her every being

Dews can no longer water such heat
From a silenced heart
It runs amok
Whilst trapped within a wall
Bursting at the veins with emotions

She needs more than dews
She needs a fountain of love
She needs a lake of care
She needs a waterfall of empathy
She needs those monsters to take off her gag

What a cruelty
Imposing a heart
Forcing it to run amok in silence

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